F E V E R   /   C O L D


Fever is manifested with high body temperature to protect the body against infections and diseases. Mild or moderate fever is often helpful as it helps our immune system increase white blood cells, produce antibodies and infection-fighting agents to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses in the body.
                 Grade  °C  °F
low grade or mild  38 – 39  100.4 – 102.2
moderate  39 – 40  102.2 – 104.0
high-grade  40 – 41.1  104.0 – 106.0
hyperpyrexia  > 41.1  > 106.0   ( Hyperpyrexia is an abnormally high fever.


Symptoms of Fever


Common fever symptoms are headache, general weakness, muscle pain, burning of the eyes, perspiration ( sweating ), loss of appetite, dehydration, shivering.
High grade fever can result in irritability, confusion and even hallucinations.


Remedies for Fever

  Diet for Fever :


Chicken soup for fever is the most popular American fever remedy. Drink plenty of water, soups, juices and such fluids to compensate fluid losses that occur with fever and help bring down body temperatures. Consume a soft diet. Avoid solid foods until fever subsides.

 Rest: Good rest and sleep is essential for an early recovery from fever. Avoid sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature.


  Remedy for Mild Fever :


Lie down and tuck in a well covered blanket. Crush 10-15 raisins soaked in water, strain and drink the water. Ginger tea is also very soothing especially if you have cold or congestion.

Bathe in cool water. This helps in bringing down the body temperature. Avoid spending long hours in the water.


Remedy for High Fever :


Ice water sponging on the forehead is a very effective natural remedy for high fever. Dip a thin towel in some iced water and place it on a hot fevered forehead. This helps to bring down the high temperature. Repeat by dipping the towel in iced water again and place on forehead. Follow this procedure for at least 10 minutes or till fever subsides.



Common Cold


Sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose – everyone knows the first signs of a cold, probably the most common illness known. Although the common cold is usually mild, with symptoms lasting one to two weeks


The Causes


The Viruses. More than 200 different viruses are known to cause the symptoms of the common cold.
Although many people are convinced that a cold results from exposure to cold weather, or from getting chilled or overheated.
Researchers have found that these conditions have little or no effect on the development or severity of a cold.





Rest  Most of the timeFor cold and flu prevention, make sure you manage your stress and laugh a lot.
Stress impairs white blood cell function. Laughter enchances immune function


Eat Well - Garlic specially , But No dairy and sugar