P O I S O N O U S    H O U S E     P L A N T S


English  Ivy

English Ivy is an extremely common plant, and is labeled as an invasive species in the United States. Its sale and distribution is even prohibited in the state of Oregon
Hedera helix is even known to climb to the top of trees, causing them to topple. Though hard to control, it is often used by gardeners as an edge plant, or in the home as an intriguing house plant.
Young children are often victim to this plant’s poison, most likely due to its curious demeanor. Ingestion can cause delirium, stupor, convulsions, hallucinations and fever, and contact with its leaves can cause skin irritation, itching, rash and blisters.





Easter  Lily

lily is found in gardens all across the globe. Growing up to one meter ( 3.28 ft ) in height, and bearing a number of trumpet shaped, white, fragrant and outward facing flowers, it is a keepsake to the art of gardening.


Easter lilies, although beautiful, are also poisonous, especially to cats, at an extreme level. It is also poisonous to humans due to the alkaloid Lycorine, found in the bulbs and stems.
Symptoms of poisoning due to ingestion of Easter lily  include abdominal pain, salivation, shivering, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.



Aloe  Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant, recognized for its long, spiny, flower spikes, and yellow flowers, in terminal, elongated clusters. It has been used for thousands of years to treat burns. In addition, it has also been used to treat heartburn, diabetes and irritable bowel syndrome.
It is also common practice for cosmetic companies to add sap or other derivatives from aloe vera to products such as makeup, tissues, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, shaving cream and shampoos. It is not widely known, however, that it is, in fact, poisonous.
The gel, which is NOT poisonous, inside the leaves, is covered in a thin layer of Aloin and Anthraquinone c-glycoside, which are very toxic.
If eaten in large enough quantities, it is known to cause abdominal cramping, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and red urine, though not due to blood. Breaking a piece off to sooth irritated skin is generally considered safe, with the exception of those sensitive to latex.




Dumb Cane

Due to its overwhelming popularity. Dieffenbachia is an extremely common house plant, and you’ve probably been to many homes where it resides. You might even have it in your house and not even know about its toxicity. Dieffenbachia contains oxalic acid
If a leaf is chewed, these crystals cause an extreme burning sensation in the mouth, throat and tongue. It is also known to cause temporary vocal cord paralysis, hence the name, ‘ dumb cane ’. While ingestion is not always fatal, victims describe it as excruciatingly painful and debilitating.
In addition, other symptoms include excessive drooling, localized swelling, and difficulty in speaking and swallowing. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea




Datura  Stramonium

This is a very common, and very attractive plant. It grows just about anywhere there is soil
Draw your initial conclusions when you hear its many names – Devil’s trumpet, Devil’s weed, Devil’s cucumber, Hell’s Bells, locoweed, stinkweed, pricklyburr, thornapple, Jamestown weed, Jimson weed, tolguacha and Moonflower. It is a member of the deadly Nightshade family.
All parts of the Datura plant contains dangerous levels of poisonous alkaloids. It is often fatal when ingested by humans and animals, including livestock and pets.
Datura intoxication typically produces a complete inability to differentiate reality from fantasy. Other symptoms reported include hyperthermia, tachycardia, bizarre and possibly violent behavior and severe mydriasis with resultant painful photophobia that can last for several days.




Hippeastrum are easy to grow, even for novice gardeners. The popularity of these bulbs comes from the ability to be easily force them into bloom for a spectacular Winter display of color.
The bulb must be eaten to cause symptoms ( diarrhea, nausea, vomiting ).




Angels' wings , Elephant Ears , Heart of Jesus.

Ingestion can cause severe irritation to the mouth and throat and may also be an irritant to the G.I. tract. Children as well as cats, dogs and other family pets that may nibble on the foliage are all at risk.
Most varieties thrive in bright indirect light with sun resistant types becoming available.






This is an occupational hazard of florists, nursery workers, and gardeners.
people will develop contact dermatitis after extended exposure to garden chrysanthemums.





Kaffir  Lily

Kaffir lily contains small amounts of the alkaloid lycorine. Large quantities must be ingested to cause symptoms of toxicity.
General symptoms of poisoning are collapse, diarrhea, paralysis, salivation, vomiting.
Kaffir's are an easy to care for plant which tolerates typical household conditions. No wonder these  blooming plants are so popular !






Poinsettia, Lobster flower ,  Flame leaf flower

Poinsettias are a nursery plant very popular at Christmas time.With it's fantastic contrast of brilliant red and deep green leaves
Humans range from dermatitis from contact with the milky sap to nausea and vomiting if ingested. Avoid contact with the eyes.




Crown - of - thorns  /  Christ's Crown  /  The Christ's Thorn

The common name of this plant would lead one to believe it is the 'crown' Jesus wore while he carried his torture stake to his crucifixion.
This plant contains caustic and irritant chemicals in the latex.
Avoid contact to the skin and eyes. General symptoms of ingestion are: abdominal pains, blistering/irritation of the mouth/throat and vomiting.





Poisoning from eating the flower buds has occurred. Symptoms include vomiting, abdominal pains, diarrhea, labored breathing, lethargy and coma.
Sensitive individuals may develop contact dermatitis from handling the plants.




Heart leaf philodendron  /  Lace tree philodendron


plant that can cause poisoning in humans and pets because of the oxalates they contain.
General symptoms of contact dermatitis with the plant juices are erythema ( reddening and inflammation of the skin ), itchiness. Ingestion will quickly cause painful burning and swelling of lips, mouth, tongue, and throat.




Swiss - cheese plant  /  Split - leaf philodendron  /  Ceriman

The leaves can cause problems if chewed by humans or family pets. Experimental rats and mice died after they were fed plant extracts.
General symptoms of poisoning are immediate and painful with aphonia (loss of voice), blistering, hoarseness, irritation of the mouth.